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Medical Affairs KPIs made easy

The Medical Excellence Application, created by a Medical Science Liaison, is a turn-key solution that integrates with your CRM and modernizes the way MSL impact is showcased to upper management.

This cutting-edge tool streamlines workflows for MSLs by automating target list outreach and monitoring publications by healthcare professionals (HCPs) in their territory. It's designed to save MSLs precious time, allowing them to focus on what they do best - conducting impactful MSL-HCP meetings in the field.

The application introduces the industry's first qualitative metric, providing a novel way to measure MSL impact on you organization. Midyear and yearly reviews are made easy through the MSL Impact Leadership Page making it effortless to demonstrate the value and impact of MSLs, ensuring their contributions are recognized and celebrated.

In essence, the Medical Excellence Application is an all-in-one solution that enhances the strategic dissemination of insights, boosts efficiency, and underscores the vital role of MSLs in shaping medical strategy.

How Our Medical Excellence Application Impacts Your Organization

Strategic Communications

Enables easy internal dissemination of medical insights while minimizing information loss.

Qualitative Metrics

The industry's only qualitative metric feature easily showcases the quality of MSL-HCP interactions and other KPIs to showcase the value of your team.

MSL Impact PRofile Page

MSLs can see their impact while directors can see which teammates have had the most impact on their organization, making midterm and yearly reviews effortless.

Territory Director

Through target list automation, or territory director saves value time conducting one of the most important, yet time consuming tasks.


Field Medical Insights

Medical Insights that Drive Strategic Decision-Making

Our platform is the industry's leading application designed for Field Medical teams to efficiently organize, curate, and report strategic medical insights. Whether it is used independently or integrated with your existing tools, it creates a synergistic effect that multiplies the benefits of what you are currently doing.

By capturing information from social media, congresses, and HCP interactions, it reduces information loss and simplifies reporting, ultimately strengthening KPIs and showcasing the impact of HCP engagement. This comprehensive solution uncovers unmet patient needs and designs winning clinical trials by understanding HCP perceptions, empowering various departments within healthcare organizations to leverage valuable medical insights for informed decision-making.


  • Qualitative Field Medical KPI implementation
  • Integrates with most common CRM platforms
  • User-friendly interface designed to easily and quickly input and organize Medical Insights
  • Easily monitor and incorporate social media into insights
  • Dynamic replies curate and augment medical insights through clarifying questions, additional information, corroboration, or dispute.
  • Strategic imperatives incorporate Medical Strategy initiatives
  • Mobile compatibility
  • Advanced and easy reporting for fast internal dissemination
  • Includes executive summary for most important details
  • Drag-and-drop organization for customized report generation


No objective tracking, social media monitoring, or AI assistance


Full features license includes objective tracking, social media monitoring, and AI assistance

Congress Medical Insight Report

Congress Insights & Competitive Intelligence Software

Designed to quickly and easily produce an insights-based report for any conference attended by your team.

  • Showcases most relevant intelligence gathered from posters, symposia, and 1:1 meetings at conferences.
  • Dynamic medical insight model curates information
  • Competitive intelligence and strategic implications captured
  • Easily produces intelligence reports to disseminate to internal strategic stakeholders
  • Saves time for the team attending the conference. No more manual creation of post-congress summaries or other deliverables
  • Communicates most relevant information from conferences to upper management and other strategy-setting internal stakeholders
Virtual Advisory Board

Facilitating Collaboration through Insights-Based Discussions

PharmAccelerator hosts virtual insights-based advisory boards to bring together industry leaders, medical experts, and stakeholders to share specialized knowledge, experiences, and strategic recommendations. To evaluate the effectiveness of the advisory board's guidance, before-and-after perceptions are measured by external stakeholders. This structured approach involves capturing stakeholder feedback prior to meetings to understand their initial perspectives and then measuring any shifts in their perceptions after the sessions, offering valuable insights into the effectiveness of the discussed recommendations and strategies.

Talent Accelerator

Developing Network, Collaboration, and Skills for the Pharmaceutical Industry

Talent Accelerator provides a social media platform for scientists and pharmaceutical industry candidates for idea exchange, networking, and pharmaceutical industry training.

In partnership with PharmacoTalent, scientific experts in Oncology, Rare Diseases, and other therapeutic areas exchange valuable insights and receive complementary strategies to generate powerful Medical Insight reports while developing skills through our in-platform coaching feature for your company. This is for Medical Affairs, Research & Development, and other industry candidates to exchange scientific ideas while gaining valuable experience for their candidacy.

Medical Insights that Drive Strategic Decision-Making

Our platform is the industry's leading application designed for Field Medical teams to efficiently organize, curate, and report strategic medical insights. Whether it is used independently or integrated with your existing tools, it creates a synergistic effect that multiplies the benefits of what you are currently doing.

By capturing information from social media, advisory boards, congresses, and HCP interactions, it reduces information loss and simplifies reporting, ultimately strengthening KPIs and showcasing the impact of HCP engagement. This comprehensive solution uncovers unmet patient needs and designs winning clinical trials by understanding HCP perceptions, empowering various departments within life sciences organizations to leverage valuable medical insights for informed decision-making.


  • Qualitative Field Medical KPI implementation
  • Integrates with most common CRM platforms
  • User-friendly interface designed to easily and quickly input and organize Medical Insights
  • Easily monitor and incorporate social media into insights
  • Dynamic replies curate and augment medical insights through clarifying questions, additional information, corroboration, or dispute.
  • Strategic imperatives incorporate Medical Strategy initiatives
  • Mobile compatibility
  • Advanced and easy reporting for fast internal dissemination
  • Includes executive summary for most important details
  • Drag-and-drop organization for customized report generation


No territory director, AI assistance or qualitative KPIs


Full features license includes impact tracking, AI assistance, and qualitative KPIs

Congress Insights & Competitive Intelligence Software

Designed to quickly and easily produce an insights-based report for any conference attended by your team.

  • Showcases most relevant intelligence gathered from posters, symposia, and 1:1 meetings at conferences.
  • Dynamic medical insight model curates information
  • Competitive intelligence and strategic implications captured
  • Easily produces intelligence reports to disseminate to internal strategic stakeholders
  • Saves time for the team attending the conference. No more manual creation of post-congress summaries or other deliverables
  • Communicates most relevant information from conferences to upper management and other strategy-setting internal stakeholders

Facilitating Collaboration through Insights-Based Discussions

PharmAccelerator hosts virtual insights-based advisory boards to bring together industry leaders, medical experts, and stakeholders to share specialized knowledge, experiences, and strategic recommendations. To evaluate the effectiveness of the advisory board's guidance, before-and-after perceptions are measured by external stakeholders. This structured approach involves capturing stakeholder feedback prior to meetings to understand their initial perspectives and then measuring any shifts in their perceptions after the sessions, offering valuable insights into the effectiveness of the discussed recommendations and strategies.

showcasing impact, Developing HCP Network, Qualitative Metrics, and MSL Impact profile Page

The Medical Excellence Application's innovative features modernize the way Medical Science Liaisons (MSL) operate and showcase their contributions.

The Dynamic Medical Insight Model enables seamless internal sharing of medical insights, minimizing information loss. Our unique Qualitative Metrics feature showcases the quality of MSL-Healthcare Professional interactions and other Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), highlighting your team's value. The MSL Impact Profile Page allows MSLs to visualize their impact and directors to effortlessly identify top-performing team members during reviews. Additionally, the Territory Director automates target list management, saving valuable time in one of the most critical, yet time-consuming tasks